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Boys Summer Training

Rising Starz summer training for boys is a general physical preparation program designed to enhance movement, mobility, speed and strength for athletes of any sport.


I've been spending a lot of time on some very interesting things and applying them to athletes training with me that are getting great results.


One is a movement flow program that develops coordination of movements from the ground up that is really helping baseball and softball players.


Another is motor preference analysis that helps individuals understand their body's preferred way of organizing itself and optimal ways of training.


I plan to add these ideas to the training and expect great results.


We will spend a lot of time on these basics to improve speed, agility and body control. The earlier a young athlete improves awareness in these areas the better chance he has of realizing his potential and having success and fun in whatever sport he's participating in.


We will meet twice a week for 75 minutes beginning the week of June 11 and go for 8 weeks. Cost for the summer is $300. I always give discounts for multiple athletes from the same family.


Please fill out the form below to register or if you have any questions.

Boys Summer Program

Thanks for registering. See you there!


406 579-1429

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